
Assistant Chair, Associate Professor

办公室: COPH 103G   |    电话: (308) 865-8403   |    电子邮件: vaildd@grapevilla.com



  • Ph.D.  堪萨斯州立大学,2012年
  • M.A.  犹他州立大学,2006年
  • B.A.  南俄勒冈大学,2004年


  • Environmental 和 农业历史
  • 科学史, 技术, 和医学
  • 公共卫生史
  • 公共历史



大卫·维尔 is an associate professor of history at 体育菠菜大平台. He grew up in Southern Oregon's Rogue Valley 和 spent much of his youth exploring the state's mountains 和 wilderness areas. He is a first-generation student that holds a BA from Southern Oregon University, 犹他州立大学文学硕士, 和 a PhD from Kansas State University. Dr. Vail’s specializations include Environmental 和 农业历史, 科学史, 技术, 和医学, 和公共历史. He has published articles in academic journals such as 农业历史, 奋进号(科学史), 大平原季刊, 大平原研究, 《体育菠菜大平台》, 堪萨斯州的历史.

Dr. 维尔的书, Chemical L和s: Pesticides, Aerial Spraying, 和 Health in North America's Grassl和s Since 1945 (University of Alabama Press, 2018) is an environmental-agricultural-technological history of aerial pesticide application, agricultural science 和 food production in North America’s grassl和s.

His second book (co-authored with Debra A. (亨利·福特博物馆), Interpreting Environment at Museums 和 Historic Sites (罗曼和利特菲尔德,2019), offers a multi-disciplinary approach to research environmental history, document evidence of human influence on l和 和 the environment over time, 和 tailor that knowledge to new public engagement.

Dr. 韦尔的下一本书, Vulnerable Harvests: Emergency Conservation in the Cold War Great Plains (under advance contract with 内布拉斯加大学 Press), considers the region’s agricultural-environmental relationships in the Cold War era. “Vulnerable Harvests” looks at the concepts of ‘risk perception’ 和 ‘rescue science’ in what he characterizes as agricultural vulnerability environments. The principal goal of the book is to demonstrate how regional actors (human 和 nonhuman) shaped the l和—the farmers who used it, 研究它的科学家, 和 the ecological relationships that remade it. This project advances our underst和ing of environmental risk 和 food security by examining the shifting roles of regional agricultural scientists, 政府决策者, 和 l和owners during the Cold War to address the steadily increasing ecological risks to the Great Plains.

Dr. Vail also has a forthcoming, co-edited book with Debra A. 里德和凯伦-贝丝·斯科尔索夫, Interpreting Science at Museums 和 Historic Sites (罗曼和利特菲尔德, 2023) that offers a multi-disciplinary approach to researching the history of science, the role of scientific material culture, 和 its various artifacts of curiosity to promote public engagement in museums 和 historic sites.



  • 科学与医学史
  • 美国历史(1865年以来)
  • 美国历史(1865年以前)
  • 全球公共卫生史

Dr. 大卫·维尔在办公室工作最大的菠菜的平台:

  • 全球流行病的历史
  • 国家公园的历史
  • 艾森豪威尔时代
  • Warfare 和 the Environment in the 20th Century
  • 美国环境史
  • 农业历史
  • “科学技术史”
  • 大萧条的历史
  • 美国解释


  • David Blakely, “Toward an Environmental 历史 of the First Great Awakening,” Completed Spring 2022
  • Leah Stagg, “‘This is Now Our War!:’ Beaver County, Utah 和 World War I,” 2021年夏季竣工
  • 将康纳利, “Buried in Our Backyard: The Environmental Legacy of American Chemical Weapons Production 和 Disposal,” 2021年夏季竣工
  • 贾斯汀角, “Where Meteorologists Fear to Tread:” Weather Modification on the Great Plains 和 the Rainmakers of the 1890s,2020年春季完成.
  • 汉娜·弗里曼, Coveralls or Coverless: Rosie the Riveters 和 Pin-Up Girls on the World War II 首页 Front,2019年秋季完成.

Dr. 大卫·维尔 holds up a "Be first" sign supporting first generation students第一代工作

Dr. Vail is also a first-generation faculty at 体育菠菜大平台 (he was the first in his family to complete undergraduate 和 graduate degrees). He is a member of the 体育菠菜大平台 First-Gen Leadership Team 和 welcomes the chance to help students from the first-gen community. For more information, visit 体育菠菜大平台's 第一代页面.

Dr. 大卫·维尔 "throws the lopes" on a bike ride人文的冒险

Dr. Vail enjoys connecting his love of history 和 the humanities with his passion for mountain biking 和 the Great Plains environment. If you don't see him riding the trails at Kearney's Cottonmill Park, you'll find him working with 人文学科内布拉斯加州 as a member of the Board of Directors or helping with UNL's 大平原研究中心 编程.


博士联系. 给他发一封电子邮件(vaildd@grapevilla.com) or check out his professional site at davidvail.网.